I like this concept and appreciate the efforts you're putting into promoting financial literacy among women.

But my peeve is this... This article is about women and promoting financial literacy for women. Then why is it written addressing a man (e.g. ... or wife)? #unconsciousbias ?

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Team , loved this concept & the project work. I am a faculty teaching insurance / financial services related courses at BIMTECH ( www.bimtech.ac.in) in G Noida. Would be happy to associate my MBA / PGDM students to be a part of this project. This could be their short term assignment . I may be contacted at my official mail id manoj.pandey@bimtech.ac.in

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Hello Manoj. Thank you for your appreciation. We have already undertaken this project and we will be sharing our stories and insights over the next few months. We are happy to connect with you for any further discussion. You can reach me on monami@setu.co

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