Tales of Bharat - Issue #8
Hello 👋 ,
Welcome to our first newsletter of 2020. We started D91 Labs with a vision to bridge the empathy gap between between the fintech developers and the last mile Bharat. What started as a simple blog post back in 2019 is now a small and niche research lab by itself. The love and reception we have received has been overwhelming. We are indebted to this. As we step forward to an eventful 2020, here is a small recap of what we did in 2019.
Kirana Chronicles
Kirana Chronicles was our first themed research where we set out to tell the financial journeys of MSMEs in India. We documented around 20 in depth stories spanning across Bangalore, Mumbai and Jaipur with much more to come in near future.
Here are the best of Kirana Chronicles from 2019
Ramesh is a 35-year-old, self-made entrepreneur who runs a pharmacy in the suburbs of Mumbai. He completed his Diploma in Pharmacy followed by a B.A in Economics and opened a medical store 12 years…
As the Indian paan preparation plays a special role in food palette, the paan shops play a crucial role in the retail store segments. A typical paan shop could be spotted in every nook and corner of…
Homepreneur - Tailor shop - Bangalore
Suma, a 32-year-old homepreneur has been running a home-based stitching business in her one-room kitchen home for more than a decade. Suma’s stitching ability, timeliness and dedication towards work h
A couple run grocery store - Bangalore
Packed between a row of similar-looking houses in a rather quiet neighbourhood, was a small dimly lit store with an assortment of vegetables on display. As I walked towards the store, out came…
Kirana store - Jaipur outskirts
Ravi runs an 8 x 12 sq. ft Kirana (Daily groceries) store in outskirts of Jaipur for the past 5 years. They are originally from Sikar district, 110 km. from Jaipur on the eastern side of Rajasthan.
Stree Shakti - A women-run self-help group
Stree Shakti is a women empowerment program launched by the Government of Karnataka in 2000–01 to strengthen their access to financial services and make them self reliant. The program draws its…
Read all Kirana Chronicles stories here.
This research was executed in collaboration with our amazing partners BharatPe, Flexiloans and AU small finance bank.
Best of 2019 - Other stories
Designing for choices in payments
What was the last meal that you had? How did you decide to eat a certain dish as opposed to anything else? If you are someone like me, you would have gone through the pain of endlessly scrolling…
The Millennial finance - Story
Arun, a 26-year-old is the single child who lives with parents in the heartland of Bengaluru. Arun has lived in this city all through his life and is a true Bengalurian by heart. He currently works…
Kamala is a 35-year-old woman living in Tumkur with her husband, son and her mother. Kamala’s home is a 1RK (1 Room Kitchen), which accommodates all the 4 people under one roof. The family’s current…
Design principles for next billion users
A few days back I struck a conversation with my Uber driver and had asked him how long he has been driving with Uber? and to my surprise, he replied back that he was one of the first few drivers in…
Thats it for now. Have an eventful year and we are excited to bring you more of these insights to your inbox in coming months :)
We are all ears on humans@d91labs.org for feedback and collaborations.
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D91 labs is an open-source initiative by setu.co to help Bharat build great fintech products. We organise and publish user research, insights, and frameworks for fintech in India. Please follow us on medium for more exciting stories and insights on Bharat.
By D91Labs
‘Tales of Bharat’ is a bimonthly newsletter from D91 Labs that curates and delivers our on-field research stories straight into your inbox.
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