About D91 Labs:

D91 labs is an open-source initiative by setu.co to help Bharat build great fintech products. We organize and publish user research, insights, and frameworks for fintechs in India.

About the newsletter:

‘Tales of Bharat’ is a research-based blog from D91 Labs. We write on topics related to financial inclusion, fintech, and the financial journeys of the people of India.

Subscribe to Tales of Bharat

A publication from D91 Labs dedicated to fostering financial innovations by conducting high-quality research and developing fintech ideas for Bharat.


Head of Research, D91 Labs
Research Manager - D91 Labs
We are research entity within Setu that focus on fintech, financial innovation and financial inclusion.
A multi-disciplinary designer turned researcher currently working at the intersection of Financial Inclusion and Intentional Design at D91 Labs.